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Return Your Body to its Natural Roots

Take The Focus Off Symptoms

Whole Body Healing

Heal Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Meet Raquel

Integrative Healing Practitioner

My curiosity into natural healing started in my late teens when I would read for hours and hours, absorbing everything I could.  The first book I read was The Yeast Connection.  I had most of the symptoms and I diagnosed myself with candida and leaky gut when I was only sixteen.  By the age of nine I had already been on numerous antibiotics from repeated bouts of strep throat.  By fourteen I had seen many western doctors, dermatologists, an allergist and TCM Doctor.  I had cystic acne, PMS and depression.  I was prescribed multiple face creams for the acne and when those failed, I was put on birth control and then eventually Accutane.  At that time, all the health magazines were praising soy, so I became a vegetarian and replaced dairy with soy milk, and meat with tofu.


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